This is really great! It's no secret that this is a direct tribute to the classic mega man series or at least inspired by it.
I like how each stage has their own enemies, puzzle, traps, platforms etc. it seems a lot of creativity went into this and not much is recycled.
Also the charging hair buster is really cool, I like being able to charge through the different projectiles and use them accordingly. Like using the star to bounce off a wall to hit an unreachable turret.
However, I must agree that it is a touch too hard. I never really like admitting this about hard games but this seems almost unbeatable Dx. I mean have you been able to beat it during the play tests and such? if you have then I will eat my words xD.
But yeah, it seems this game takes a lot of trail and error and it's a little unforgiving when you only have 3 lives to start with. Even when approaching a level with caution I find my self wasting a life trying to figure out what something does (such as the bouncing ball post things over spikes).
Even when managing to clear a level after dying a tonne of times, there's never enough time to study the bosses patterns. Before I know it, the boss has wiped me and I'm at the start of the level again.
I feel there should be limitless lives or at least more ways to obtain lives (more pick-ups, higher drop rates or whatever). Only because the hardness switch on this is WAAAY up there. I don't this this would make the game any easier, just less time wasting. Just like dark souls really. It's super hard but you learn from your mistakes and you're not sent right to the beginning if you die a few times.
It's a little depressing when you spend so long plying through the twists and turns of a level just to get to the boss and not even be able to study it. By the time you reach it again you will have become rusty to the bosses patterns and then wiped out.
You should also let people know that they can skip the intro cut scene by pressing the 'esc' key xD.
So yeah, real nice work! It's an honour to have my music used in this :]. It's a very pretty game with nice art and cool mechanics. The levels are long and there's a lot of content to explore and be killed by, just the balance is a little thrown off by only having 3 lives.